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May 11, 2023 Elliott Davis

What An Exceptional Consultant Looks Like

As a seasoned consulting professional, I have had the privilege of learning from some truly exceptional consultants over the years. These are consultants that possess certain qualities that set them apart from the rest. When I think about what they had and what I’m cultivating every day, it boils down to this—exceptional consultants excel in these five areas.

First things first, they build trust with their clients. Exceptional consultants understand that trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, and they work hard to earn it. They are honest, transparent, and keep their promises. They don’t oversell. They make their clients feel heard. They always deliver on time. They take a client’s success personally. This leads to strong, trustworthy relationships with their clients.

Second, exceptional consultants engage with their clients in a substantive and iterative (NOT transactional) way. They take the time to understand their clients' businesses, challenges, goals, and concerns. They ask questions that open up new thought patterns. They know how to politely push back against bad assumptions and decisions. They are NOT order takers. They’ve learned how to disagree productively. They focus on customized solutions, rather than taking the faster, easier, one-size-fits-all approach.

Third, they seek to acquire knowledge behind-the-scenes so they can impart knowledge when they’re in front of clients. To be seen as experts, exceptional consultants must be masters of their craft and provide evidence of their deep understanding of the subject matter. They use their expertise to guide clients. They share their knowledge in a way that is easy to understand. And they use their curiosity to constantly and quickly fill any gaps discovered in their expertise.

Fourth, exceptional consultants are creative problem solvers. They are unafraid to think outside the box. They propose innovative solutions to complex problems. They know that not all problems have a straightforward solution, and I’ve watched in awe as they’ve taken unconventional approaches to find the best solution for clients, stakeholders, employees, and customers.

Lastly, they have super high EQ. Their emotional intelligence helps them understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of their clients. Stress doesn’t affect them in the same way as it does normal consultants. They know that emotions can play a huge role in decision-making, and I’ve noticed on multiple occasions how exceptional consultants use their tone, cadence, words, and reactions to steady their teams and clients.

There you have it… a crash course in what an exceptional consultant LOOKS LIKE. Next week, I’ll tell you how to BECOME an exceptional consultant – all for the low, low price of $free.99!

Before you go, my questions to you are:

  1. What qualities do you think are essential for an exceptional consultant?
  2. How do you ensure that you are continuously improving yourself as a consultant?
Elliott Davis

Elliott Davis

Elliott Davis believes that work should be meaningful and workplaces should feel like a community where colleagues support and challenge each other. His professional passion, found at this intersection of people, purpose, and performance has helped him navigate his multi-faceted, cross-functional career. That same passion continues to lead him each day as he strives to ensure his clients and colleagues can apply their best selves to doing their best work. Elliott is an alum of UNC Chapel Hill's Kenan-Flagler Business School (BSBA) and Harvard Business School (MBA). He began his career in Atlanta as a global strategy consultant and speaker at IBM and continued in Korea as a DE&I and HR talent development leader at Samsung Electronics. He has now struck an attractive balance between his consulting roots and HR interests as a Director in CTE's Advisory Services practice. Those that know him best would describe Elliott as an empathetic listener, a compassionate coach, a relentless problem solver, a perpetual traveler, and the world's most competitive Monopoly player.